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Advertising will put your display ad in five (5) AOM journals and also in the Dynamic Edition of each journal!


Academy of Management Annals

(Print & Digital)

Academy of Management Annals (Annals) publishes current, in-depth and integrative reviews of research advances in management. Often called "reviews with an attitude," Annals papers summarize and/or challenge established assumptions and concepts, pinpoint problems and factual errors, inspire discussions, and illuminate possible avenues for further study. Reviews published in Annals move above and beyond descriptions of the field because they motivate conceptual integration and set agendas for future research.

Publication Dates
January (ads due by November 21, 2023)
July (ads due by May 24, 2024)

1 out of 217 in the category of Management
1 out of 147 in the category of Business

Impact Factor
11.865 (5-Year Impact Factor: 17.833)

Journal Rates & Specs


Academy of Management Journal

(Print & Digital)

Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) publishes empirical research that tests, extends or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. Empirical methods include qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic, and mixed methods. Published research makes strong empirical and theoretical contributions relevant to management practice. Authors produce original, insightful, interesting, important and theoretically bold research that demonstrates a significant value-added contribution to the field's understanding of an issue or topic.

Publication Dates
February (ads due by December 8, 2023)
April (ads due by February 8, 2024)
June (ads due by April 8, 2024)
August (ads due by June 7, 2024)
October (ads due by August 8, 2024)
December (ads due by October 7, 2024)

9 out of 217 in the category of Management
9 out of 147 in the category of Business

Impact Factor
7.571 (5-Year Impact Factor: 11.853)

Journal Rates & Specs


Academy of Management Learning & Education

(Print & Digital)

Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) publishes theory, empirical research, reviews, critiques, and resources that address the processes of management teaching, and the learning that results from it, to contribute to management learning and education. Additionally, AMLE publishes work that addresses important issues in the institutional environment and administration of business schools and their stakeholders. The journal’s emphasis is on the study of management learning and education in all types of settings—schools and universities as well as businesses and public and non-profit organizations.

Publication Dates
March (ads due by January 5, 2024)
June (ads due by April 5, 2024)
September (ads due by July 5, 2024)
December (ads due by October 4, 2024)

11 out of 243 in the category of Education
56 out of 147 in the category of Management

Impact Factor
4.058 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.784)

Journal Rates & Specs


Academy of Management Perspectives

(Print & Digital)

Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) publishes papers with policy implications based on management research. AMP articles leverage management theory to understand contemporary behavioral, socioeconomic and technological trends, highlighting their implications for the public interest or relying on a strong evidence base of empirical findings to inform public policy. Authors develop connections between management evidence and public policy concerns by (1) critically assessing the impact of management theory and research on public policy; (2) summarizing empirical evidence to emphasize their policy implications; (3) identifying policy concerns that should motivate the development of new management theory and research; and/or (4) establishing a research agenda that informs public policy.

Publication Dates
February (ads due by December 8, 2023)
May (ads due by March 8, 2024)
August (ads due by June 7, 2024)
November (ads due by September 6, 2024)

43 out of 217 in the category of Management
31 out of 147 in the category of Business

Impact Factor*
5.098 (5-Year Impact Factor: 7.714)

Journal Rates & Specs


Academy of Management Review

(Print & Digital)

Academy of Management Review (AMR) publishes theoretical insights that advance our understanding of management and organizations. Articles extend theory in ways that develop testable knowledge-based claims. Authors develop new management and organization theory, significantly challenge or clarify existing theory, synthesize recent advances and ideas into fresh or new theory, or initiate a search for new theory by identifying and delineating a novel theoretical problem. The contributions of AMR articles often are grounded in normal science disciplines of economics, psychology, sociology or social psychology as well as nontraditional perspectives, such as the humanities.

Publication Dates
January (ads due by November 8, 2023)
April (ads due by February 8, 2024)
July (ads due by May 8, 2024)
October (ads due by August 8, 2024)

2 out of 217 in the category of Management
2 out of 147 in the category of Business

Impact Factor
8.413 (5-Year Impact Factor: 12.440)

Journal Rates & Specs


Academy of Management Insights

(Digital Only)

Academy of Management Insights (Insights) brings the best academic research findings to managers and business leaders worldwide. Our get-right-to-the-point format transforms peer-reviewed management research from the world’s top scholars into actionable evidence for the workplace. With easy-to-read summaries of AOM journal articles and engaging infographics and videos, managers and business leaders can:

  • Improve their organizations

  • Help their colleagues

  • Advance their careers

  • Boost their knowledge

Insights Rates & Specs