
Rates & Specs

Journal Rates & Specs

One-time print ad to run in one (1) issue of five (5) AOM journals.
All print ads will also appear in the Dynamic Edition of each journal.

Distribution: 8,500
Rate: $1,500 
Ad dimensions: Full page 8.25” x 10.75” no bleeds

Please go to to submit files.

Please supply only a print-ready PDF file. We cannot accept any native application file formats (MS Word, InDesign, Publisher, etc.) or any other file format. PDF must be a hi-res, print-ready file. All raster images should be 300 dpi. All fonts must be embedded. 

Do not include printer’s marks (crop marks, registration marks, etc) in the file submission. 

Color ads must use CMYK color only. RGB color or spot colors (such as Pantone colors) are not acceptable. We cannot guarantee an exact color match. If advertiser requires a critical color match, please contact:  

Stephanie Frank  (410) 584-1935

Insights Rates & Specs

Insights newsletter ad 
Distribution: 25,000 subscribers
Ad dimensions: 650 x 250 pixels
Rate: $1,000 

Insights online ad
Ad runs on homepage + 16 subject area pages
Distribution: 33,000 subscribers
Ad dimensions: 650 x 250 pixels
Rate: $1,000

Supported creative formats include JPEG or GIF. Static or animated banners accepted.

Email digital ad to Stephanie Frank by 25th of the previous month the ad is set to run.