e-newsletter Advertising


Academy News 

Academy News is the Academy of Management's interactive electronic newsletter for members. Each issue offers timely and relevant content from across our membership communities, providing a unique opportunity for members to learn about what's happening around the Academy through the diverse voices of its contributors. Updates from the Divisions and Interest Groups and across our greater global network of management scholars make Academy News an invaluable resource for members to access association news and featured content, celebrate and share in the recognition of outstanding colleagues, and connect to events, activities and opportunities.   

Notable Issues:  
• Year in Review  
• Annual Meeting  
• Awards & Recognition 

Distribution: 25,000+ subscribers; Biweekly (26 issues/year) 
Rate: $1,000 per issue
Ad dimensions: 650 x 250 pixels
Supported creative formats include JPEG or GIF. Static or animated banners accepted.  

Includes sponsor recognition and hyperlink at the top of the e-newsletter

Email digital ad to Stephanie Frank stephanie.frank@wearemci.com.   



Academy of Management Insights

Academy of Management Insights (Insights) is an online magazine and electronic newsletter for managers and business leaders published by the Academy of Management. Advertising on Insights connects your organization, product, or service with managers and business leaders seeking out the latest workplace trends and news.

Insights newsletter ad 
Distribution: 25,000 subscribers; Monthly
Ad dimensions: 650 x 250 pixels
Rate: $1,000 per issue

Insights online ad
Ad runs on homepage + 16 subject area pages
Distribution: 33,000 subscribers
Ad dimensions: 650 x 250 pixels
Rate: $1,000 per month

Supported creative formats include JPEG or GIF. Static or animated banners accepted.

Email digital ad to Stephanie Frank stephanie.frank@wearemci.com.